H&H Americas
If you’re a store owner, you’ll want to go to H&H Americas in Rosemont, IL. It’s in a wonderful convention center, and it’s a wholesale market filled with All the Crafts! I’ll be in a panel discussion on Wednesday, and as President of TNNA, I’ll also be leading a meeting on Thursday morning (we’ll provide breakfast!). I can’t wait to see you there!

Stitch Your Art Out Retreat
Imagine four days of just knitting or sewing. Imagine not having to do any cooking or cleaning or laundry, and being out of sight of all of it. Imagine getting projects finished because you make so much progress! And imagine learning a new skill or two.
Each year, we have a knitting and quilting retreat at Lake Raystown Resort, through my local yarn/quilt shop, Stitch Your Art Out. It’s a pleasant four days of getting stuff done with friends—both old and new! (Feel free to come alone. We’re a friendly group!)
You can read more about the retreat here.
You can sign up with a deposit here.
Please join us!!!

Nashville Needlework Market
If you’re a cross-stitch store, this wholesale market is for you! I’ll be working with my friend Misty Pursel of Luminous Fiber Arts at her booth. But if you’re a member of TNNA, please stop by and say hello! I’ll be delighted to see you there!